CS 405 Assignment 4

Toy Box Price Calculator - Due February 18

The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience with writing functions.

Program Requirements

Your program should have the same functionality as Assignment 3.


Submission Instructions

To submit this program, I would like all students to zip their project, and send it to me. I would like you to submit the entire project, which should be named Prog_4_lastname, where lastname is your last name. For me, this is Prog_4_Wilt. Students should email their completed projects to cs405@cs.unh.edu.

Late Policy

The assignment is due prior to midnight on the listed due date. For this assignment, that means you must turn in your solution before to February 19.

Unlike other classes you may have taken in the past, no late work is allowed for this class. This is worth repeating, because it is extremely important: no late work is allowed for this class. We will move quickly, and I do not want students straggling behind trying to catch up on work from previous weeks, which is what generally happens when late work is accepted.